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Table of Contents

Page 1
Planning Your Education - Grade 6
Online Registration
Promotion Criteria
Page 2
School Information
Page 6
Course Descriptions

Planning Your Education

Your school provides this course curriculum guide as a means of assisting students and parents in understanding and planning their course of study. Students are encouraged to carefully select related arts courses during the registration process. Your school's guidance counselors and teachers stand ready to assist them. Parents are invited and encouraged to actively participate by assisting their student.

Related arts classes are scheduled based upon student requests. However, due to schedule conflicts and changes in course offerings, the staff cannot guarantee that students will be scheduled for all courses they request. In addition, be aware that the school builds a master schedule and employs teachers based on students' requests; therefore, schedule changes will only be considered on a very limited basis.

Online Registration

Online Registration was implemented in 2004. It allows parents and students to request related arts courses for the next school year from home via the Internet. Families who do not have access to the Internet will be given opportunities to use school computers to register online. Parents and students should understand that requesting a related arts course through online registration does not guarantee that the student is placed in the course the next school year. Final placement in a course is dependent upon enrollment, scheduling feasibility, and teacher allocation. Parents without Internet access at home will receive a printed copy of the course curriculum guide by request. The window for students to select related arts courses online is posted by the school on the school's website and in parent newsletters. Schools will provide instructions on accessing the online registration tool.

Promotion Criteria for Grades Six, Seven, and Eight

Criterion 1: Students in grades six through eight are expected to learn, at a minimum, curriculum standards in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, and meet attendance requirements.
Criterion 2: The student earned a minimum average grade of 60% in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies (if language arts is taught as a separate subject in grades 6-8, the English language arts grade will be determined by the mean of the yearly average of reading and language arts.)
End of Year Promotion Status
The following are summary designation and descriptors for end-of-year promotion status of students in grades six-eight.
Promoted – The student met all promotion criteria. The one exception is that students who fail a high school credit bearing course in middle school are promoted but must retake the course. Enrollment in these credit bearing courses will be determined by the district criteria.
Promoted - Summer School Required - The student failed to meet the criteria for one or two core academic areas, but successful performance in summer school for any deficient area was met.

Dear Centurions and Future Centurions,

Welcome to Tanglewood Middle School! We are thrilled to have the opportunity to educate and support each and every one of our students on their academic journey.

At Tanglewood, our mission is simple yet profound: to equip your child with the knowledge, skills, and courses necessary for success not only in high school but also in life beyond the classroom. Our dedicated staff is committed to ensuring that every student reaches their full potential and then surpasses it.

Whether your child is interested in mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, the arts, or any other subject, we offer a wide range of courses to cater to diverse interests and learning styles. Our goal is to provide a well-rounded education that prepares students for the challenges and opportunities they will encounter in the future.

We understand that navigating through course options can sometimes feel overwhelming. That's why our administrators and school counselors are here to assist you every step of the way. Please don't hesitate to reach out to them with any questions or concerns you may have about our course offerings or academic programs.

As you embark on this educational journey with us, we encourage you to continue believing in yourselves and dreaming big. Together, as a community of learners and leaders, we are destined for great things.

Thank you for choosing Tanglewood Middle School. We look forward to inspiring, challenging, and empowering each and every one of our Centurions to achieve their dreams.

Best regards,

Mr. Leroy Platt Leroy Platt
Tanglewood Middle School


Why do we exist?

At Tanglewood Middle School, we exist to inspire, motivate and guide middle school students to develop a mindset that will enable them to be the best versions of themselves.

The Vision

To be the highest performing middle school in the district, and the most awarded and recognized Title 1 school in the nation.

Tanglewood Core Values




Sample of Tanglewood Middle Extracurricular Offerings, Fine Arts, and Supports 

Primary Contacts:      

Principal: Mr. Leroy Platt

6 th Grade Administrator: Mrs. Amanda Leblanc

6 th Grade Counselor: Mrs. Andreah Oglesby

7 th Grade Administrator:

7 th Grade Counselor: Mrs. Tamika Im

8 th Grade Administrator: Mrs. Kristan Cobbs

8 th Grade Counselor: Mrs. Michelle Hammond

Lead Communities in Schools Specialist: Ms. Carmen Medero 

Parent Coordinator (Habla Espanol): Ms. Tomasa Quiles

Front Office: (864) 355-4500 

Tanglewood Middle School is a Title One School.  Because we are a Title One school we are able to offer additional services for our students.  The following are a list of some of these services. 

After School Tutorial 

The Tanglewood Middle School After School Program is organized as a resource center to tutor students in academic areas to help them achieve high standards.  The program operates on Tuesdays and Thursdays  3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. Students are encouraged to attend the program every week. Transportation is provided. Students must be picked up by 5:00 pm. 

Social Worker

A School District Social Worker is located on site to give immediate assistance to families of students in need of services such as: applying for medical assistance, and applying for social services.   

Mental Health Counselor 

Greater Greenville Mental Health Counselors provide services to students on site.   The school-based counselor is available to work closely with teachers, administrators, and students  to resolve difficulties.  Typical referrals include adjustment disorders, victims of trauma, disruptive and or aggressive behaviors, ADHD, anxiety and mood disorders. 

PRISMA Hospital System's School Based Health Center

The School-Based Health Center provides students access to health care in a location that is safe, convenient and accessible – their schools! As part of the OnTrack Greenville Middle Grades Success Initiative, the School-Based Health Centers provide a wide range of services that address student healthcare needs. The School-Based Health Centers are staffed by licensed professionals who can deliver high-quality medical care and address a broad range of concerns affecting the students’ healthy development. 

Some examples of the services that are provided in the School-Based Health Center include: 

Top Four Tips to Middle School Students

Tip Number 1 - Make plans to speak with people you don't know. It's really awkward when you have to sit by total strangers and have nothing to say. If you think ahead about questions to ask you can make more friends and always have someone to sit with at lunch.

Tip Number 2 - Be sure to try new things. Sign up for new clubs and sports with your friends. It helps if they are there to try them with you.

Tip Number 3 - Do your homework and keep assignments organized. Make sure you know when tests are coming up and study when needed. Getting behind on assignments can lower your grade and cause hassles with your family.

Tip Number 4 - Be prepared and be on time to class. Make sure you know your schedule and have everything you need to go to class. After the first couple of weeks of school, teachers expect you to come to class prepared with everything you need.

Top Five Tips to Parents and Students

Tip Number 1 - Get the supply list early. Students feel secure when they have all of the items needed for their different classes. Teachers can jump right into the curriculum when students have requested supplies.

Tip Number 2 - Attend orientation or open house before the first school day. Many students feel less stress and anxiety when they have been able to tour the building. Knowing where the bathrooms, cafeteria, gym and classrooms are in a building make students feel better about the first day of school.

Tip Number 3 - Make a couple copies of the student schedule. Middle school students can have up to nine teachers in a day. This is very different from elementary school. Students can break down in tears when they lose their schedule and don’t know where to go after a class.

Tip Number 4 - The student should know the parent's email address. One easy way for teachers to communicate with parents is through email. Teachers generally ask for the email address on the first day so that they can put it in their grade book computer program. Teachers can send

grade reports, missing homework assignments and quick notes through email to parents.

Tip Number 5 - Stay organized and keep up with assignments with parent backpack. Parent Backpack shows you your students grades, attendance, and assignments. Find more information here: 

Staying organized is key to a successful year at middle school. Parents need to help their children become acclimated to the new school. However, students need to learn that with age also comes more responsibility.

Course Descriptions

English Studies 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
English Studies 6 is designed to prepare students for College and Career readiness as required by the South Carolina State Standards. The curriculum exposes students to a variety of genres, both literary andinformational. Placement Recommendation - Successful completion of grade 5.
English GT 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course is designed to meet the needs of academically gifted and talented students who were identified through the standard measures implemented by The School District of Greenville County. The curriculum designed specifically for this course meets the guidelines set forth by the South Carolina State Department of Education as criteria for Gifted and Talented instruction. Students should expect to find the curriculum challenging in a number of ways: text complexity, analytical writing, problem solving, creative endeavors, and accelerated pace. Prerequisite: Identified as GTA (Gifted and Talented Academic)
Reading Assistance 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course offers students remediation and additional assistance in reading skills in support of on grade level instruction in the regular Language Arts and/or Literature classroom. PREREQUISITE: Guidance Placement
Math 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This standards-based sixth-grade course is designed to help students begin the transition from arithmetic to algebraic thinking. It includes concepts, operations, and problems solving with decimals, fractions, and percents in addition to an introduction to integers and ratios. Students will develop algebraic thinking through the investigation of patterns, the use of simple equations and inequalities to represent relationships, and the use of tables and graphs to solve problems. Throughout the course there is an emphasis on the process standards of problem-solving, communication, reasoning, representations, and connections. PREREQUISITE: Teacher recommendation
Math 6th/7th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This standards-based course is designed to help students begin the transition from arithmetic to algebraic thinking. It includes all of the grade 6 standards and half of the grade 7 standards. Topics include operations and problem-solving with decimals, fractions, integers, ratios, proportions, and percents. Students will develop algebraic thinking through the investigation of patterns, the use of one-and two-step equations and inequalities to represent relationships, and the use of tables and graphs to solve problems. Throughout the course there is an emphasis on the process standards of problem-solving, communication, reasoning, representations, and connections. PREREQUISITE: Must meet district criteria including Teacher recommendation
Science 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
The focus for science in sixth grade is to provide students with inquiry based experiences that develop science concepts in the following areas: Structures, Processes and Response of Plants-structure and function of plants; Structures, Processes and Responses of Animals-structure and function of animals; Earths Atmosphere and Weather-atmospheric properties and processes; and, Conservation of Energy-properties of energy, work, and conservation of energy. PREREQUISITE: None
Social Studies
Social Studies 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
Sixth grade social studies expands students' understanding of history through the study of people, places, and events to the era of European exploration and settlement. Students focus not only on facts about various cultures but also on the significance of geography in history, their everyday lives, problems, and accomplishments of people, and their roles in developing the social, economic, and political structures of major civilizations. Instruction should emphasize the elements of social studies literacy, the tools, strategies, and perspectives necessary for understanding how history, geography, economics and government are interwoven. PREREQUISITE: None
Art 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
The purpose of this course is to enable students to communicate ideas and concepts through a variety of artwork, including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, arts, and crafts. A study of artists and their work will help students understand the techniques, skills, and diverse intentions of artists from many cultures and times. Students will focus on developing creative problem-solving skills, visual literacy, and personal expression. PREREQUISITE: None
Theatre 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course explores theater arts through the use of creative dramatics, diction, vocal expression, improvisation, dramatization, technical theatre, audience etiquette, and theatre appreciation. Performances will be an outgrowth of study. PREREQUISITE: None
Band 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course provides beginning-level instruction on brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. No previous musical experience is required. The curriculum includes the development of fundamental skills, concepts, composition, cooperative learning, music as it relates to history and culture, and band techniques. The class will include an expectation for the purchase or rental of an instrument and individual practice at home. Concert performances will be an outgrowth of the study of musical concepts. PREREQUISITE: None
Chorus 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop fundamental vocal musicianship, technical skills, and aesthetic awareness through the study and performance of varied middle school choral literature. The curriculum for Chorus 6 includes vocal technique, part singing, music fundamentals, and singing music of various historical and world styles through large and small group participation. Concert performances will be an outgrowth of the study of the musical concepts. PREREQUISITE: None
General Music 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This is a course providing students with the opportunity to explore musical concepts and further their understanding of music through listening, singing, playing instruments, and engaging in creative activities. PREREQUISITE: None
Foreign Language
Spanish 6 Beginner Level
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
Aligned with the district's vision, philosophy, and goals for world language education, this beginner course introduces students to the second language through high-quality learning experiences. Not only do students gain an understanding of what it means to learn a new language, they also experience progress over time and are likely to be motivated to continue language study. Students learn enough language to ensure that they will not be total beginners when they take another course in the same language. The goal of this course is to develop some language competence. PREREQUISITE: None
Physical Education
PE / Health 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
Enrollment in this course fulfills the regulation that all students will complete one quarter of physical education each year in grades 6 - 8 and all students will complete one quarter of health each year in grades 6 - 8. The content of the course will consist of both health and PE standards-based instruction. PREREQUISITE: None
Career and Technology
GTT6 Design & Modeling
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This unit uses solid modeling (a very sophisticated mathematical technique for representing solid objects) to introduce students to the design process. Utilizing this design approach, students understand how solid modeling has influenced their lives. Students also learn sketching techniques, and use descriptive geometry as a component of design, measurement, and computer modeling. Using design briefs or abstracts, students create models and documentation to solve problems.
Career Education 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course introduces the students to the careers that are available to them after their education. Students are given a chance to research and explore various careers as well as learn about the skills that are needed for a particular occupation. During this time, the students are also introduced to the career clusters that are used in the district. PREREQUISITE: None
Digital Literacy
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course is designed to equip students with many of the needed computer skills to excel in a digital world. The student will be exposed to a broad range of computer technology from basic hardware/software to applications and the internet. Digital Literacy will support the student with the concepts in the 8th grade technology proficiency assessment as required by NCLB.
AVID Excel (6th)
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
AVID Excel is a pre-AVID middle school English Language Development program for intermediate English Language Learners designed to accelerate language acquisition and entrance to 9th grade AVID and the attendant high school college-prepatory coursework. As an equity component of AVID College Readiness System, AVID Excel is designed to fullfill AVID's mission of preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society
Skill Building 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course focuses on skills that students need to make better and more efficient use of study time. Students will actively engage in learning time management skills, study techniques, organizational skills, and test-taking strategies to strengthen their performance in the classroom. PREREQUISITE: None
ESOL 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course is designed for the student who has a primary language other than English, and is not proficient in listening, speaking, reading, writing, or comprehension in the English speaking classroom. Instruction will be provided in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension to assist students in classrooms where English is the language of instruction. Students will receive skills to aid in the transition to all academic areas, as well as help in the preparation for middle school formal tests. Limited English proficiency should be determined by an approved language assessment instrument. PREREQUISITE: Guidance Placement
Study Topics 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course focuses on skills that students need to make better and more efficient use of study time. Students will actively engage in learning time management skills, study techniques, organizational skills, and test-taking strategies to strengthen their performance in the classroom. PREREQUISITE: None
AVID 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is offered as an elective course to students who would like to prepare for four-year universities. The course prepares students for more rigorous coursework in middle and high school. The curriculum features writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading. There is an emphasis on note-taking and study skills, and college/career/motivational activities.
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
6 - 8
This course is designed for the student who has a primary language other than English, and is not proficient in listening, speaking, reading, writing, or comprehension in the English speaking classroom. Instruction will be provided in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension to assist students in classrooms where English is the language of instruction. Students will receive skills to aid in the transition to all academic areas, as well as help in the preparation for middle school formal tests. Limited English proficiency should be determined by an approved language assessment instrument. PREREQUISITE: Guidance Placement
ESOL A - Multi-Grade
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
6 - 8
This course is designed for the student who has a primary language other than English, and is not proficient in listening, speaking, reading, writing, or comprehension in the English speaking classroom. Instruction will be provided in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension to assist students in classrooms where English is the language of instruction. Students will receive skills to aid in the transition to all academic areas, as well as help in the preparation for middle school formal tests. Limited English proficiency should be determined by an approved language assessment instrument. PREREQUISITE: Guidance Placement
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
6 - 8
This course is designed for the student who has a primary language other than English, and is not proficient in listening, speaking, reading, writing, or comprehension in the English speaking classroom. Instruction will be provided in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension to assist students in classrooms where English is the language of instruction. Students will receive skills to aid in the transition to all academic areas, as well as help in the preparation for middle school formal tests. Limited English proficiency should be determined by an approved language assessment instrument. PREREQUISITE: Guidance Placement