Your school provides this course curriculum guide as a means of assisting students and parents in understanding and planning their course of study. Students are encouraged to carefully select related arts courses during the registration process. Your school's guidance counselors and teachers stand ready to assist them. Parents are invited and encouraged to actively participate by assisting their student.
Related arts classes are scheduled based upon student requests. However, due to schedule conflicts and changes in course offerings, the staff cannot guarantee that students will be scheduled for all courses they request. In addition, be aware that the school builds a master schedule and employs teachers based on students' requests; therefore, schedule changes will only be considered on a very limited basis.
Online Registration was implemented in 2004. It allows parents and students to request related arts courses for the next school year from home via the Internet. Families who do not have access to the Internet will be given opportunities to use school computers to register online. Parents and students should understand that requesting a related arts course through online registration does not guarantee that the student is placed in the course the next school year. Final placement in a course is dependent upon enrollment, scheduling feasibility, and teacher allocation. Parents without Internet access at home will receive a printed copy of the course curriculum guide by request. The window for students to select related arts courses online is posted by the school on the school's website and in parent newsletters. Schools will provide instructions on accessing the online registration tool.
Greenville Middle Academy of Traditional and Global Studies
A Tradition of Excellence
If you are new to the Greenville Middle Family, you have entered into an exceptional school. Greenville Middle Academy is a close-knit school community that promotes the academic and social development of all students in a safe, friendly environment. It is my privilege to serve as the principal of Greenville Middle Academy. Our school has an outstanding reputation, and I am proud to be part of such a wonderful school community.
Greenville Middle is filled with enthusiastic students willing to learn, supportive parents and guardians interested in their children's education, and a dedicated professional staff committed to providing our students with a quality education. Our school has established a reputation for academic success. Both teachers and students maintain high standards, and the educational success of our students is important to us.
Our goal is to ensure that all students become critical thinkers, active problem-solvers, inquisitive readers, diligent researchers and prolific writers. We work diligently to prepare students for the demands of the real-world so they may become productive citizens and our future leaders, and to contribute something positive to our community.
The opportunities provided to students is vast. Our students…
Understand language – Students study Latin and Greek stems in all literature classes. All students have opportunities to study Spanish and French. Understanding the origin of our language results in more proficiency in understanding and expanding vocabulary.
Use language for communication and expression – Students write, often and well. They prewrite, draft, edit, proofread and publish. Writing projects become experiential learning opportunities in which students incorporate art projects, presentations and experiments.
Use language to access and to process – Students read and respond to classic, international, and contemporary pieces of literature. They analyze fiction and nonfiction texts as they relate information across the disciplines.
Are encouraged to think and organize independently – Students who attend Greenville Middle Academy are strong and independent thinkers. Our teachers help students develop analytical and organizational skills which result in better focused and more fully developed thought.
Are virtually exploring the world – Our “Global Studies” related arts course for students exposes them to world histories, customs, food, ceremonies, and virtual travels.
We encourage you to visit our amazing school and see for yourself what sets Greenville Middle Academy apart from other schools. Our students are our legacy and truly demonstrate a tradition of excellence.
Best wishes, and we look forward to a wonderful school year!
Mr. Edgar Henson, Principal
Information/Instructions for Student Registration Course Selections
Your child's fifth grade teachers carefully consider academic placements for the upcoming school year. Recommendations are made for the 2024- 2025 school year for English and Mathematics during the week of February 19th. All students will take grade-level Social Studies and Science courses which are automatically be assigned for each student.
Students may select 3 Related Arts courses. All students are required to take Physical Education which will make the 4th Related Arts class. This course is being assigned for each student. Students choosing to take Band, Strings, or Chorus should only select one additional elective as Band, Strings, and Chorus are year long courses and take the place of 2 courses.
All students are assigned to two Related Arts courses during the 1st Semester (the first two nine weeks) and switch into two different Related Arts courses during the 2nd Semester (the remaining two nine weeks).
Students should also select 3 alternative Related Arts courses in the event that the chosen courses are full. Every effort will be made to honor requests in the order of preference. If a student fails to sign up for Related Arts courses, they will be selected for him or her.
Greenville Middle's "Global Studies" Related Arts course is labeled Exploratory 6 .
Greenville Middle School
Edgar Henson, Principal 355-5610
Joshua Greene, Assistant Principal (6th Grade) 355-5617
Joshua Greene/ Jordan Hudson (7th Grade) 355-5660
Jordan Hudson, Assistant Principal (8th Grade) 355-5626
Jody Allison, Instructional Coach 355-5623
Susan Simpson, Magnet Coordinator 355-5660
School Counseling Office
Megan Giordani, School Counselor (6th Grade) 355-5653
Darrah Heinold, School Counselor (7th Grade) 355-5619
Pamela Cao, School Counselor (8th Grade) 355-5622
Julie Moody, School Counselor 355-5620
Sherry Coleman, Clerk 355-5604
English Studies 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
English Studies 6 is designed to prepare students for College and Career readiness as required by the South Carolina State Standards. The curriculum exposes students to a variety of genres, both literary andinformational. Placement Recommendation - Successful completion of grade 5.
English GT 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course is designed to meet the needs of academically gifted and talented students who were identified through the standard measures implemented by The School District of Greenville County. The curriculum designed specifically for this course meets the guidelines set forth by the South Carolina State Department of Education as criteria for Gifted and Talented instruction. Students should expect to find the curriculum challenging in a number of ways: text complexity, analytical writing, problem solving, creative endeavors, and accelerated pace. Prerequisite: Identified as GTA (Gifted and Talented Academic)
Reading Assistance 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course offers students remediation and additional assistance in reading skills in support of on grade level instruction in the regular Language Arts and/or Literature classroom. PREREQUISITE: Guidance Placement
Creative Writing 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course, designed for students interested in written expression, includes a study of the various forms of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Students will create portfolios of their own creative writing and experiment with various forms of expression. PREREQUISITE: None
Math 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This standards-based sixth-grade course is designed to help students begin the transition from arithmetic to algebraic thinking. It includes concepts, operations, and problems solving with decimals, fractions, and percents in addition to an introduction to integers and ratios. Students will develop algebraic thinking through the investigation of patterns, the use of simple equations and inequalities to represent relationships, and the use of tables and graphs to solve problems. Throughout the course there is an emphasis on the process standards of problem-solving, communication, reasoning, representations, and connections. PREREQUISITE: Teacher recommendation
Math 6th/7th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This standards-based course is designed to help students begin the transition from arithmetic to algebraic thinking. It includes all of the grade 6 standards and half of the grade 7 standards. Topics include operations and problem-solving with decimals, fractions, integers, ratios, proportions, and percents. Students will develop algebraic thinking through the investigation of patterns, the use of one-and two-step equations and inequalities to represent relationships, and the use of tables and graphs to solve problems. Throughout the course there is an emphasis on the process standards of problem-solving, communication, reasoning, representations, and connections. PREREQUISITE: Must meet district criteria including Teacher recommendation
Science 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
The focus for science in sixth grade is to provide students with inquiry based experiences that develop science concepts in the following areas: Structures, Processes and Response of Plants-structure and function of plants; Structures, Processes and Responses of Animals-structure and function of animals; Earths Atmosphere and Weather-atmospheric properties and processes; and, Conservation of Energy-properties of energy, work, and conservation of energy. PREREQUISITE: None
Social Studies
Social Studies 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
Sixth grade social studies expands students' understanding of history through the study of people, places, and events to the era of European exploration and settlement. Students focus not only on facts about various cultures but also on the significance of geography in history, their everyday lives, problems, and accomplishments of people, and their roles in developing the social, economic, and political structures of major civilizations. Instruction should emphasize the elements of social studies literacy, the tools, strategies, and perspectives necessary for understanding how history, geography, economics and government are interwoven. PREREQUISITE: None
Art 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
The purpose of this course is to enable students to communicate ideas and concepts through a variety of artwork, including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, arts, and crafts. A study of artists and their work will help students understand the techniques, skills, and diverse intentions of artists from many cultures and times. Students will focus on developing creative problem-solving skills, visual literacy, and personal expression. PREREQUISITE: None
Band 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course provides beginning-level instruction on brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. No previous musical experience is required. The curriculum includes the development of fundamental skills, concepts, composition, cooperative learning, music as it relates to history and culture, and band techniques. The class will include an expectation for the purchase or rental of an instrument and individual practice at home. Concert performances will be an outgrowth of the study of musical concepts. PREREQUISITE: None
Chorus 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop fundamental vocal musicianship, technical skills, and aesthetic awareness through the study and performance of varied middle school choral literature. The curriculum for Chorus 6 includes vocal technique, part singing, music fundamentals, and singing music of various historical and world styles through large and small group participation. Concert performances will be an outgrowth of the study of the musical concepts. PREREQUISITE: None
Strings 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course provides beginning-level instruction on violin, viola, cello, and string bass. No previous musical experience is required. The curriculum includes the development of fundamental skills, concepts, composition, cooperative learning, music as it relates to history and culture, and string techniques. The class will include an expectation for the purchase or rental of an instrument and individual practice at home. Some larger instruments are available at the school, and parents should coordinate with the director for their use. Concert performances will be an outgrowth of the study of musical concepts. PREREQUISITE: None
Strings 6 Violin and Viola
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course provides beginning-level instruction on violin and viola. No previous musical experience is required. The curriculum includes the development of fundamental skills, concepts, composition, cooperative learning, music as it relates to history and culture, and string techniques. The class will include an expectation for the purchase or rental of an instrument and individual practice at home. Some larger instruments are available at the school, and parents should coordinate with the director for their use. Concert performances will be an outgrowth of the study of musical concepts. PREREQUISITE: None
Strings 6 Cello and Bass
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course provides beginning-level instruction on cello and string bass. No previous musical experience is required. The curriculum includes the development of fundamental skills, concepts, composition, cooperative learning, music as it relates to history and culture, and string techniques. The class will include an expectation for the purchase or rental of an instrument and individual practice at home. Some larger instruments are available at the school, and parents should coordinate with the director for their use. Concert performances will be an outgrowth of the study of musical concepts. PREREQUISITE: None
Foreign Language
French 6th Beginner Level
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
Aligned with the district's vision, philosophy, and goals for world language education, this beginner course introduces students to the second language through high-quality learning experiences. Not only do students gain an understanding of what it means to learn a new language, they also experience progress over time and are likely to be motivated to continue language study. Students learn enough language to ensure that they will not be total beginners when they take another course in the same language. The goal of this course is to develop some language competence. PREREQUISITE: None
French Language Arts 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course is a continuation of the French partial immersion language program. It integrates authentic literature, grammar, vocabulary practice; culture and how it relates to todays world, and Pre-Advanced Placement support and practice. Students develop the ability to think critically about the language and cultures across a broad range of subjects. Students are expected to achieve a proficiency range of intermediate mid-high. This course is conducted entirely in French. PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of a language immersion program of study or demonstration of equivalent level of language proficiency.
Spanish 6 Beginner Level
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
Aligned with the district's vision, philosophy, and goals for world language education, this beginner course introduces students to the second language through high-quality learning experiences. Not only do students gain an understanding of what it means to learn a new language, they also experience progress over time and are likely to be motivated to continue language study. Students learn enough language to ensure that they will not be total beginners when they take another course in the same language. The goal of this course is to develop some language competence. PREREQUISITE: None
Physical Education
Phys Education 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
Enrollment in this course fulfills the regulation that all students will complete one quarter of physical education each year in grades 6 - 8. Course content focuses on teaching students the four SC Middle School PE Student Performance criteria as mandated by the SC Department of Education. Students will demonstrate the abilities, concepts, knowledge, and skills required to:1) demonstrate competence in modified versions of activities in three movement forms as identified in the SCPEAP standards;2) demonstrate knowledge of the five components of fitness and the F.I.T.T. principle on a written test;3) participate regularly in health-enhancing physical activity outside the physical education class;4) meet the gender and age group health-related physical fitness standard as described by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education. PREREQUISITE: None
Career and Technology
GTT6 Design & Modeling
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This unit uses solid modeling (a very sophisticated mathematical technique for representing solid objects) to introduce students to the design process. Utilizing this design approach, students understand how solid modeling has influenced their lives. Students also learn sketching techniques, and use descriptive geometry as a component of design, measurement, and computer modeling. Using design briefs or abstracts, students create models and documentation to solve problems.
Digital Literacy
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course is designed to equip students with many of the needed computer skills to excel in a digital world. The student will be exposed to a broad range of computer technology from basic hardware/software to applications and the internet. Digital Literacy will support the student with the concepts in the 8th grade technology proficiency assessment as required by NCLB.
Exploratory 6
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course provides students with the opportunity to explore and learn information and skills that will enhance their academic and personal lives in middle school. PREREQUISITE: None
Skill Building 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course focuses on skills that students need to make better and more efficient use of study time. Students will actively engage in learning time management skills, study techniques, organizational skills, and test-taking strategies to strengthen their performance in the classroom. PREREQUISITE: None
ESOL 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course is designed for the student who has a primary language other than English, and is not proficient in listening, speaking, reading, writing, or comprehension in the English speaking classroom. Instruction will be provided in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension to assist students in classrooms where English is the language of instruction. Students will receive skills to aid in the transition to all academic areas, as well as help in the preparation for middle school formal tests. Limited English proficiency should be determined by an approved language assessment instrument. PREREQUISITE: Guidance Placement
Study Topics 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This course focuses on skills that students need to make better and more efficient use of study time. Students will actively engage in learning time management skills, study techniques, organizational skills, and test-taking strategies to strengthen their performance in the classroom. PREREQUISITE: None
Academic Literacy 6th
Course Number:
Unit Credit:
Grade Level:
This class will teach strategies and support textbook and print literacy across the curriculum, to include strengthening skills to break down linguistically represented prompts. PREREQUISITE: Teacher Recommendation